Sunday, September 22, 2013

Quote of the Day

Of course, evangelical/fundamentalists can't stand the Bible's obvious flaws because they worship the Bible, not God.  So they try to fix their "inerrant" Bible's reputation by torturous justifications.  They even make rules for God as if they understood God as some sort of creature trapped in the pages of the Bible, something like a fly caught on flypaper.  This also seems to be a problem that plagues Muslims, who say their holy book was actually dictated, so it records the actual words of God.  This may explain the apparent paralysis of much Islamic civilization.  If the literal last word has been pronounced, what's left to do, say, discover, or invent?  How do you change?  

-- Frank Schaeffer, Patience With God, p. 212


Ahkenaten Kor said...

Wonderfully written... so true

Amy E. Hall said...

Indeed, Roger. I LOVE Frank's work.